Increase your earning potential without locking up your funds. Get access with direct check-writing ability.
Key Features
Tiered Interest
Direct Check Writing
Digital Banking
- Competitive, tiered interest
- Higher balances earn higher rates
- Interest accrued daily and paid monthly
- Enjoy flexibility with enhanced access to funds1:
- Unlimited in-person withdrawals, or by ATM, mail, or telephone; must be payable to you
- 6 pre-authorized withdrawals or transfers from the account per statement cycle; $3 per withdrawal or transfer thereafter
- Avoid the $7 monthly fee by maintaining a $10,000 minimum balance
- Free paper statements
- Business online banking and business bill pay available
- $2,500 minimum deposit to open
1If these restrictions are violated, we may change the account to a non-interest-bearing account, take away any ability to transfer, or close the account altogether.